Every Friday and Saturday night the campfire is a blazin'.
Every Saturday Night the Naked DJ is playing his tunes with Karaoke, so come get your songs on. There is always lots of laughter and fun to be had!!
​*"Camper Crawls are just like a Pub Crawl, but instead of going bar-to-bar, we go site-to-site. For those sites who would like to participate, they make up a cocktail, hors d'oeuvres and/or game to share. People have been very creative. The more the merrier!!!!
January 1st: Happy New Year 2025!
January 18th: Chili Cook-Off. Bring your favorite chili to be judged by those in attendance. You may also bring a side dish or dessert if you don't want to participate in the contest. 2 PM
February 15th: Sweetheart pot luck dinner. Lasagna, salad and bread sticks for $10. Must reserve in advance. You may also bring a side dish or dessert AND your sweetie! 6 PM
March 1st thru 31st: Hidden Lake Membership Renewals due
March 8th: Spring forward! The days are getting longer
March 15th: St. Patrick's Pot Luck. Corned beef will be supplied by the resort. Bring a side diseh or dessert. 6 PM
April 18th: Good Friday
April 19th: 11th Annual 5K "White Tail" Run/Walk 10:30 AM, Easter dinner pot luck 6 PM, Camper Crawl
April 20th: Easter Sunday
April 22nd: Earth Day
May 11th: Mother's Day
May 17th: Pot luck Taco Bar. Meat filling and taco shells will be provided. Bring a side or dessert 6 PM.
May 24th: Memorial Day weekend Crawfish Boil. $15 per person. Members are free. Camper crawl
May 26th: Memorial Day
June 14th: Flag Day
June 15th: Father's Day
June 21st: Motorcycle Ride leaving from the resort at 11 AM. Pot Luck Saturday- Bring a side or dessert. 6 PM, camper crawl
July 4th: The start of the holiday weekend. Homemade ice cream social before the infamous "Light show extravaganza" over the lake
July 5th: Holiday cookout and camper crawl.
July 7th - 13th: National Nude Recreation Week
July 12th: International Skinny Dip Day. Gather in the lagoon at 1 PM for "clean" group photo
July 19th: Pot luck Saturday. Bring a side dish or dessert. 6 PM
August 16th: Cardboard Box Regatta. Boats in the water at 11 AM. Make your boat and paddles out of cardboard and tape only. Longest floating and Best looking boat will get rewarded. Stick around for our annual Fish Fry Pot Luck dinner at 6 PM. Bring a side dish or dessert. camper crawl
August 29th: The start of Labor Day Weekend
August 30th: camper crawl
September 1st: Labor Day
October 25th: 11th Annual 5K "Boo" Run/Walk 10:30 AM. Fall Fest, costume contest, camper crawl
November 1st: Turn back the clocks
November 11th: Veteran's Day. THANK YOU! to all our Veteran residents, members and guests
November 27th: Thanksgiving/Friendsgiving Pot Luck 2 PM. Turkey will be provided by the resort. Bring a side dish or dessert.
December 20th: Secret Santa gift swap. clubhouse. bring a $20 wrapped gift and an appetizer, snack or munchie. 6 PM.
December 25th: Christmas Day pot luck. Ham will be provided by the resort. Bring a side dish or dessert. 2 PM
December 31st: New Year's Eve